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JS金沙:Sergio Brovelli

  • 所在学科:材料科学与工程
  • 联系电话:
  • E-mail:sergio.brovelli@unimib.it
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1.博士 2006.12,University of Milano-Bicocca, Milano, Italy,材料科学
2.硕士 2003.11,University of Milano-Bicocca, Milano, Italy,材料科学
3.本科 1996.7,European School in Varese, Italy
4.博士后,2010.01 - 011.11Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA
5.助理教授,2011.12 – 2015.03,University of Milano-Bicocca, Milano, Italy
6. 副教授,2015-2021,University of Milano-Bicocca, Milano, Italy
7.教授,2022-至今University of Milano-Bicocca, Milano, Italy




1. Zaffalon, M.L., Cova, F., Liu, M. et al. Extreme γ-ray radiation hardness and high scintillation yield in perovskite nanocrystals. Nat. Photon. 16, 860–868 (2022).
2. Gandini, M., Villa, I., Beretta, M. et al. Efficient, fast and reabsorption-free perovskite nanocrystal-based sensitized plastic scintillators. Nat. Nanotechnol. 15, 462–468 (2020).
3. Liu, M., Wan, Q., Wang, H. et al. Suppression of temperature quenching in perovskite nanocrystals for efficient and thermally stable light-emitting diodes. Nat. Photonics 15, 379–385 (2021)
4. Pinchetti, V., Di, Q., Lorenzon, M. et al. Excitonic pathway to photoinduced magnetism in colloidal nanocrystals with nonmagnetic dopants. Nature Nanotech 13, 145–151 (2018).
5. Meinardi, F., Bruni, F. & Brovelli, S. Luminescent solar concentrators for building-integrated photovoltaics. Nat Rev Mater 2, 17072 (2017)


1. Premio Speciale Circular Economy, StartupItalia, 2018
2. Open Innovation for Circularity Award, American Chamber of Commerce, 2018
3. BDO Mario Unnia Award, 2018
4. Marzotto Venture Award, 2017
5. Sette Green Award - RCS Editorial Group, 2016
6. R&D100 Special Recognition Award for Green Technologies, 2016
7. Finalist of the 'Young Researcher Award' of the International Materials Research Societies, 2014
8. Director’s Fellowship, Los Alamos National Laboratory, 2010
9. Marie (S) Curie Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, 2007
10. Angelo Della Riccia Foundation Fellowship, 2007
11. Tronchetti Provera Foundation Fellowship, 2003-2006

